Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Harsh days tormenting soon to end.
Missing the best part.
Hope of seeing it again make
days and nights apart.

No fad left in the bright side.
Not able to hold it in herd.
Followed by darkness,
Same imprints back in hand.

Recognizing the very same pendulum effect,
Hunger for greatest tunes and finest words.
Losing the base from inside.
Visible trails of the lost roads.

Forged Reality fading up,
Solitude waiting down evanescing ray.
Awing Feel of the sweet pain.
This is the real day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Longest Run

When I roll back for the blue sea,
Stuck but not yet dead.
Always seeking to scream out,
Reminds me of the thoughts of head.

What is pulling it always,
Trying to be in motility.
Silence of the fire,
Upset with the mortality.

No sign of chase for life,
Far from the end of vein.
Numb from the core,
Nothing can help not even the rain.

Bored of being helpless,
Being in the pain.
It speaks the very truth,
It's better to be the pain.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I am Present but I am sad....

You believe the past has the design of your future. You live for future. You think of past. But where am I? Why you treat me so bad? Why I have to become past? You are so desperate for future but you do not realize that I come from future. You treat me like I will be soon past. I want my own domain. I am sick and tired of this continual change. When will I find my peace? I am exhausted of this run. I want to be accepted for what I am and not from where I came or what I will be. Why you have no concern for me? Why…Why…Why???